Access to the premises is limited to Bootcamp attendance, and Outsiders members may not use other Sanctuary Club facilities (Outsiders membership does not include Sanctuary Club membership).
Outsiders members may apply for full membership of the Sanctuary Club at their discretion.
Access codes must not be shared.
Respect for neighbours and avoidance of noise nuisance is a condition of our lease.
Please be respectful and aware of noise when arriving or leaving. Especially before 8am & after 5pm
”Yearly Membership Fee” is applicable to Monthly Recurring Members Only. This rate is for members intending to join long-term and is not available to people wanting to join for a month or two while visiting Plett. This fee structure is a commitment and cannot be suspended or skipped without disclosure, discussion and notice of at least 14 days – We need to be able to plan.
Class sizes are limited to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all attendees – please book your classes.(Cancelation is just as important)